Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

First, I must say that I'm glad we watched a TED talk, everyone should take a look through the catalog of videos and I'm sure you will find something that will interest you.

In some ways schools are killing creativity.  As budgets are constrained the school systems are made to make difficult decisions and a lot of these decisions affect the arts departments of schools.  I agree with the video, something needs to be done to our education system in order to secure the future for our children.

Ken Robinson says that we intellectually as well as physically diverse.  We make distinctions between each other based on physical appearance, nationality, age, and gender.  If we live in a heterogeneous physical world, why must we subject ourselves to a homogeneous intellectual world?


  1. I also agree with Sir Ken Robinson's points about physical appearance. I really enjoyed his little bit about how some people turn their body's into transportation vehicles for their head. And how many are more concerned about brain power and nothing else.

  2. I agree that in schools quite often students are expected to just fit in and do as they are told. There is little room to be an individual. They just expect everyone to get good grades on a flat curriculum that is same for everyone, graduate and get out.
